Two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi. Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, and Kevin Spacey star in Se7en.
In Assassins, a professional hit-man wants to fulfill a few more contracts before retiring but unscrupulous ambitious newcomer hit-man who keeps killing the pros targets. It stars Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Banderas, and Julianne Moore.
20 years ago there was another handosme fella who played Bond, Pierce Brosnan James Bond teams up with the lone survivor of a destroyed Russian research center to stop the hijacking of a nuclear space weapon by a fellow agent formerly believed to be dead in Goldeneye.
An alternative to the testoerone driven flicks of the holiday season, was this quite little film that made the art house circuit, How to Make an American Quilt. Winona Ryder, Ellen Burstyn, and Anne Bancroft star in a story about a bride-to-be who hears tales of romance and sorrow from her elders as they construct a quilt.
And in the Department of Where Were They Then, Christina Ricci, Demi Moore, and Rosie O'Donnell star as four 12-year-old girls who grow up together during an eventful small-town summer in 1970. It's Now and Then.. And there's more at the theater and on home video on this week's look back at 20 years ago on Preview Theater
In Assassins, a professional hit-man wants to fulfill a few more contracts before retiring but unscrupulous ambitious newcomer hit-man who keeps killing the pros targets. It stars Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Banderas, and Julianne Moore.
20 years ago there was another handosme fella who played Bond, Pierce Brosnan James Bond teams up with the lone survivor of a destroyed Russian research center to stop the hijacking of a nuclear space weapon by a fellow agent formerly believed to be dead in Goldeneye.
An alternative to the testoerone driven flicks of the holiday season, was this quite little film that made the art house circuit, How to Make an American Quilt. Winona Ryder, Ellen Burstyn, and Anne Bancroft star in a story about a bride-to-be who hears tales of romance and sorrow from her elders as they construct a quilt.
And in the Department of Where Were They Then, Christina Ricci, Demi Moore, and Rosie O'Donnell star as four 12-year-old girls who grow up together during an eventful small-town summer in 1970. It's Now and Then.. And there's more at the theater and on home video on this week's look back at 20 years ago on Preview Theater